
Make proposals that help you win more work.

Create, send, and track proposals online with custom packages and electronic approvals.

Proposals that create a seamless client experience and improve your acceptance rate.

Templates & Branding
Use flexible proposal templates, scope of works templates or even quotes templates and add your own branding and offerings.
Service Packages
Add single or multiple package options to your proposals that your clients can choose from.
Instant Approval
Get notified when your proposal is viewed and let clients accept it on any device, anywhere.

Look Professional

Create high-quality proposals in seconds with your project details and payment options. Send it off for electronic-approval or copy the secure link to send it yourself.

Upsell Service Packages

Along with flexible proposal editing, you can offer single or multiple service options for your clients to choose from. Start maximizing your earnings and close rate.

Streamline Approvals

Track when your proposal has been viewed and make accepting as easy as possible with package selection and electronic-approval.

Trusted by 500K+ self-employed workers and small businesses

Whether you're just getting started or your business is booming, Bonsai has you covered.
Built for All Work Types
We proudly back people with wide-ranging businesses—from design and marketing to development, writing, and photography.
Built for Global Businesses
Bonsai has international coverage across the United States, Canada, UK, Australia and more, with 180 currencies supported.
Work smarter (not harder) using Bonsai.

Browse Bonsai's Proposal Templates

Keep Exploring Bonsai’s Features

Protect your business with templated work contracts vetted by contract attorneys and thousands of freelancers
Projects & Client CRM
Manage your leads, clients and ongoing projects all in one place, instead of juggling them across different software tools